var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); (function(k, f, c, j, d, l, g) { /*! Jssor */ new(function() { this.$DebugMode = d; this.$Log = function(c, d) { var a = k.console || {}, b = this.$DebugMode; if (b && a.log) a.log(c); else b && d && alert(c) }; this.$Error = function(b, d) { var c = k.console || {}, a = this.$DebugMode; if (a && c.error) c.error(b); else a && alert(b); if (a) throw d || new Error(b); }; this.$Fail = function(a) { throw new Error(a); }; this.$Assert = function(b, c) { var a = this.$DebugMode; if (a) if (!b) throw new Error("Assert failed " + c || ""); }; this.$Trace = function(c) { var a = k.console || {}, b = this.$DebugMode; b && a.log && a.log(c) }; this.$Execute = function(b) { var a = this.$DebugMode; a && b() }; this.$LiveStamp = function(c, d) { var b = this.$DebugMode; if (b) { var a = f.createElement("DIV"); a.setAttribute("id", d); c.$Live = a } }; this.$C_AbstractProperty = function() { throw new Error("The property is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass."); }; this.$C_AbstractMethod = function() { throw new Error("The method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass."); }; function a(b) { if (b.constructor === a.caller) throw new Error("Cannot create instance of an abstract class."); } this.$C_AbstractClass = a }); var e = k.$JssorEasing$ = { $EaseSwing: function(a) { return -c.cos(a * c.PI) / 2 + .5 }, $EaseLinear: function(a) { return a }, $EaseInQuad: function(a) { return a * a }, $EaseOutQuad: function(a) { return -a * (a - 2) }, $EaseInOutQuad: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * a * a : -1 / 2 * (--a * (a - 2) - 1) }, $EaseInCubic: function(a) { return a * a * a }, $EaseOutCubic: function(a) { return (a -= 1) * a * a + 1 }, $EaseInOutCubic: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * a * a * a : 1 / 2 * ((a -= 2) * a * a + 2) }, $EaseInQuart: function(a) { return a * a * a * a }, $EaseOutQuart: function(a) { return -((a -= 1) * a * a * a - 1) }, $EaseInOutQuart: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * a * a * a * a : -1 / 2 * ((a -= 2) * a * a * a - 2) }, $EaseInQuint: function(a) { return a * a * a * a * a }, $EaseOutQuint: function(a) { return (a -= 1) * a * a * a * a + 1 }, $EaseInOutQuint: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * a * a * a * a * a : 1 / 2 * ((a -= 2) * a * a * a * a + 2) }, $EaseInSine: function(a) { return 1 - c.cos(a * c.PI / 2) }, $EaseOutSine: function(a) { return c.sin(a * c.PI / 2) }, $EaseInOutSine: function(a) { return -1 / 2 * (c.cos(c.PI * a) - 1) }, $EaseInExpo: function(a) { return a == 0 ? 0 : c.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) }, $EaseOutExpo: function(a) { return a == 1 ? 1 : -c.pow(2, -10 * a) + 1 }, $EaseInOutExpo: function(a) { return a == 0 || a == 1 ? a : (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * c.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) : 1 / 2 * (-c.pow(2, -10 * --a) + 2) }, $EaseInCirc: function(a) { return -(c.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1) }, $EaseOutCirc: function(a) { return c.sqrt(1 - (a -= 1) * a) }, $EaseInOutCirc: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? -1 / 2 * (c.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1) : 1 / 2 * (c.sqrt(1 - (a -= 2) * a) + 1) }, $EaseInElastic: function(a) { if (!a || a == 1) return a; var b = .3, d = .075; return -(c.pow(2, 10 * (a -= 1)) * c.sin((a - d) * 2 * c.PI / b)) }, $EaseOutElastic: function(a) { if (!a || a == 1) return a; var b = .3, d = .075; return c.pow(2, -10 * a) * c.sin((a - d) * 2 * c.PI / b) + 1 }, $EaseInOutElastic: function(a) { if (!a || a == 1) return a; var b = .45, d = .1125; return (a *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * c.pow(2, 10 * (a -= 1)) * c.sin((a - d) * 2 * c.PI / b) : c.pow(2, -10 * (a -= 1)) * c.sin((a - d) * 2 * c.PI / b) * .5 + 1 }, $EaseInBack: function(a) { var b = 1.70158; return a * a * ((b + 1) * a - b) }, $EaseOutBack: function(a) { var b = 1.70158; return (a -= 1) * a * ((b + 1) * a + b) + 1 }, $EaseInOutBack: function(a) { var b = 1.70158; return (a *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * a * a * (((b *= 1.525) + 1) * a - b) : 1 / 2 * ((a -= 2) * a * (((b *= 1.525) + 1) * a + b) + 2) }, $EaseInBounce: function(a) { return 1 - e.$EaseOutBounce(1 - a) }, $EaseOutBounce: function(a) { return a < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * a * a : a < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (a -= 1.5 / 2.75) * a + .75 : a < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (a -= 2.25 / 2.75) * a + .9375 : 7.5625 * (a -= 2.625 / 2.75) * a + .984375 }, $EaseInOutBounce: function(a) { return a < 1 / 2 ? e.$EaseInBounce(a * 2) * .5 : e.$EaseOutBounce(a * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5 }, $EaseGoBack: function(a) { return 1 - c.abs(2 - 1) }, $EaseInWave: function(a) { return 1 - c.cos(a * c.PI * 2) }, $EaseOutWave: function(a) { return c.sin(a * c.PI * 2) }, $EaseOutJump: function(a) { return 1 - ((a *= 2) < 1 ? (a = 1 - a) * a * a : (a -= 1) * a * a) }, $EaseInJump: function(a) { return (a *= 2) < 1 ? a * a * a : (a = 2 - a) * a * a } }, h = k.$Jease$ = { $Swing: e.$EaseSwing, $Linear: e.$EaseLinear, $InQuad: e.$EaseInQuad, $OutQuad: e.$EaseOutQuad, $InOutQuad: e.$EaseInOutQuad, $InCubic: e.$EaseInCubic, $OutCubic: e.$EaseOutCubic, $InOutCubic: e.$EaseInOutCubic, $InQuart: e.$EaseInQuart, $OutQuart: e.$EaseOutQuart, $InOutQuart: e.$EaseInOutQuart, $InQuint: e.$EaseInQuint, $OutQuint: e.$EaseOutQuint, $InOutQuint: e.$EaseInOutQuint, $InSine: e.$EaseInSine, $OutSine: e.$EaseOutSine, $InOutSine: e.$EaseInOutSine, $InExpo: e.$EaseInExpo, $OutExpo: e.$EaseOutExpo, $InOutExpo: e.$EaseInOutExpo, $InCirc: e.$EaseInCirc, $OutCirc: e.$EaseOutCirc, $InOutCirc: e.$EaseInOutCirc, $InElastic: e.$EaseInElastic, $OutElastic: e.$EaseOutElastic, $InOutElastic: e.$EaseInOutElastic, $InBack: e.$EaseInBack, $OutBack: e.$EaseOutBack, $InOutBack: e.$EaseInOutBack, $InBounce: e.$EaseInBounce, $OutBounce: e.$EaseOutBounce, $InOutBounce: e.$EaseInOutBounce, $GoBack: e.$EaseGoBack, $InWave: e.$EaseInWave, $OutWave: e.$EaseOutWave, $OutJump: e.$EaseOutJump, $InJump: e.$EaseInJump }; k.$JssorDirection$ = { $TO_LEFT: 1, $TO_RIGHT: 2, $TO_TOP: 4, $TO_BOTTOM: 8, $HORIZONTAL: 3, $VERTICAL: 12, $GetDirectionHorizontal: function(a) { return a & 3 }, $GetDirectionVertical: function(a) { return a & 12 }, $IsHorizontal: function(a) { return a & 3 }, $IsVertical: function(a) { return a & 12 } }; var b = k.$Jssor$ = new function() { var h = this, Ab = /\S+/g, L = 1, jb = 2, nb = 3, mb = 4, rb = 5, M, s = 0, i = 0, t = 0, z = 0, A = 0, D = navigator, vb = D.appName, o = D.userAgent, y = f.documentElement, q = parseFloat; function Jb() { if (!M) { M = { $Touchable: "ontouchstart" in k || "createTouch" in f }; var a; if (D.pointerEnabled || (a = D.msPointerEnabled)) M.$TouchActionAttr = a ? "msTouchAction" : "touchAction" } return M } function v(h) { if (!s) { s = -1; if (vb == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && !!k.attachEvent && !!k.ActiveXObject) { var e = o.indexOf("MSIE"); s = L; t = q(o.substring(e + 5, o.indexOf(";", e))); /*@cc_on z=@_jscript_version@*/ ; i = f.documentMode || t } else if (vb == "Netscape" && !!k.addEventListener) { var d = o.indexOf("Firefox"), b = o.indexOf("Safari"), g = o.indexOf("Chrome"), c = o.indexOf("AppleWebKit"); if (d >= 0) { s = jb; i = q(o.substring(d + 8)) } else if (b >= 0) { var j = o.substring(0, b).lastIndexOf("/"); s = g >= 0 ? mb : nb; i = q(o.substring(j + 1, b)) } else { var a = /Trident\/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/i.exec(o); if (a) { s = L; i = t = q(a[1]) } } if (c >= 0) A = q(o.substring(c + 12)) } else { var a = /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i.exec(o); if (a) { s = rb; i = q(a[2]) } } } return h == s } function r() { return v(L) } function T() { return r() && (i < 6 || f.compatMode == "BackCompat") } function Bb() { return v(jb) } function lb() { return v(nb) } function Eb() { return v(mb) } function qb() { return v(rb) } function gb() { return lb() && A > 534 && A < 535 } function H() { v(); return A > 537 || i > 42 || s == L && i >= 11 } function R() { return r() && i < 9 } function hb(a) { var b, c; return function(f) { if (!b) { b = d; var e = a.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1); n([a].concat(["WebKit", "ms", "Moz", "O", "webkit"]), function(h, d) { var b = a; if (d) b = h + e; if ([b] != g) return c = b }) } return c } } function fb(b) { var a; return function(c) { a = a || hb(b)(c) || b; return a } } var N = fb("transform"); function ub(a) { return {} } var K; function Gb() { if (!K) { K = {}; n(["Boolean", "Number", "String", "Function", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Object"], function(a) { K["[object " + a + "]"] = a.toLowerCase() }) } return K } function n(b, d) { var a, c; if (ub(b) == "[object Array]") { for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) if (c = d(b[a], a, b)) return c } else for (a in b) if (c = d(b[a], a, b)) return c } function F(a) { return a == j ? String(a) : Gb()[ub(a)] || "object" } function sb(a) { for (var b in a) return d } function B(a) { try { return F(a) == "object" && !a.nodeType && a != a.window && (!a.constructor || {}, "isPrototypeOf")) } catch (b) {} } function p(a, b) { return { x: a, y: b } } function yb(b, a) { setTimeout(b, a || 0) } function C(b, d, c) { var a = !b || b == "inherit" ? "" : b; n(d, function(c) { var b = c.exec(a); if (b) { var d = a.substr(0, b.index), e = a.substr(b.index + b[0].length + 1, a.length - 1); a = d + e } }); a = c + (!a.indexOf(" ") ? "" : " ") + a; return a } function U(b, a) { if (i < 9) = a } h.$Device = Jb; h.$IsBrowserIE = r; h.$IsBrowserIeQuirks = T; h.$IsBrowserFireFox = Bb; h.$IsBrowserSafari = lb; h.$IsBrowserChrome = Eb; h.$IsBrowserOpera = qb; h.$IsBrowserBadTransform = gb; h.$IsBrowser3dSafe = H; h.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier = R; h.$GetTransformProperty = hb("transform"); h.$BrowserVersion = function() { return i }; h.$BrowserEngineVersion = function() { return t || i }; h.$WebKitVersion = function() { v(); return A }; h.$Delay = yb; h.$Inherit = function(a, b) {; return E({}, a) }; function bb(a) { a.constructor === bb.caller && a.$Construct && a.$Construct.apply(a, bb.caller.arguments) } h.$Construct = bb; h.$GetElement = function(a) { if (h.$IsString(a)) a = f.getElementById(a); return a }; function u(a) { return a || k.event } h.$GetEvent = u; h.$EvtSrc = function(b) { b = u(b); var a = || b.srcElement || f; if (a.nodeType == 3) a = h.$ParentNode(a); return a }; h.$EvtTarget = function(a) { a = u(a); return a.relatedTarget || a.toElement }; h.$EvtWhich = function(a) { a = u(a); return a.which || ([0, 1, 3, 0, 2])[a.button] || a.charCode || a.keyCode }; h.$MousePosition = function(a) { a = u(a); return { x: a.pageX || a.clientX || 0, y: a.pageY || a.clientY || 0 } }; h.$PageScroll = function() { var a = f.body; return { x: (k.pageXOffset || y.scrollLeft || a.scrollLeft || 0) - (y.clientLeft || a.clientLeft || 0), y: (k.pageYOffset || y.scrollTop || a.scrollTop || 0) - (y.clientTop || a.clientTop || 0) } }; h.$WindowSize = function() { var a = f.body; return { x: a.clientWidth || y.clientWidth, y: a.clientHeight || y.clientHeight } }; function G(c, d, a) { if (a !== g)[d] = a == g ? "" : a; else { var b = c.currentStyle ||; a = b[d]; if (a == "" && k.getComputedStyle) { b = c.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(c, j); b && (a = b.getPropertyValue(d) || b[d]) } return a } } function db(b, c, a, d) { if (a !== g) { if (a == j) a = ""; else d && (a += "px"); G(b, c, a) } else return q(G(b, c)) } function Kb(b, c, a) { return db(b, c, a, d) } function m(c, a) { var d = a ? db : G, b; if (a & 4) b = fb(c); return function(e, f) { return d(e, b ? b(e) : c, f, a & 2) } } function Db(b) { if (r() && t < 9) { var a = /opacity=([^)]*)/.exec( || ""); return a ? q(a[1]) / 100 : 1 } else return q( || "1") } function Fb(b, a, f) { if (r() && t < 9) { var h = || "", i = new RegExp(/[\s]*alpha\([^\)]*\)/g), e = c.round(100 * a), d = ""; if (e < 100 || f) d = "alpha(opacity=" + e + ") "; var g = C(h, [i], d); U(b, g) } else = a == 1 ? "" : c.round(a * 100) / 100 } var O = { $Rotate: ["rotate"], $RotateX: ["rotateX"], $RotateY: ["rotateY"], $SkewX: ["skewX"], $SkewY: ["skewY"] }; if (!H()) O = E(O, { $ScaleX: ["scaleX", 2], $ScaleY: ["scaleY", 2], $TranslateZ: ["translateZ", 1] }); function P(d, a) { var c = ""; if (a) { if (r() && i && i < 10) { delete a.$RotateX; delete a.$RotateY; delete a.$TranslateZ } b.$Each(a, function(d, b) { var a = O[b]; if (a) { var e = a[1] || 0; if (Q[b] != d) c += " " + a[0] + "(" + d + (["deg", "px", ""])[e] + ")" } }); if (H()) { if (a.$TranslateX || a.$TranslateY || a.$TranslateZ) c += " translate3d(" + (a.$TranslateX || 0) + "px," + (a.$TranslateY || 0) + "px," + (a.$TranslateZ || 0) + "px)"; if (a.$ScaleX == g) a.$ScaleX = 1; if (a.$ScaleY == g) a.$ScaleY = 1; if (a.$ScaleX != 1 || a.$ScaleY != 1) c += " scale3d(" + a.$ScaleX + ", " + a.$ScaleY + ", 1)" } }[N(d)] = c } h.$CssTransformOrigin = m("transformOrigin", 4); h.$CssBackfaceVisibility = m("backfaceVisibility", 4); h.$CssTransformStyle = m("transformStyle", 4); h.$CssPerspective = m("perspective", 6); h.$CssPerspectiveOrigin = m("perspectiveOrigin", 4); h.$CssScale = function(a, b) { if (r() && t < 9 || t < 10 && T()) = b == 1 ? "" : b; else { var c = N(a), f = "scale(" + b + ")", e =[c], g = new RegExp(/[\s]*scale\(.*?\)/g), d = C(e, [g], f);[c] = d } }; var pb = 0, kb = 0; h.$WindowResizeFilter = function(b, a) { return R() ? function() { var g = d, c = T() ? b.document.body : b.document.documentElement; if (c) { var f = c.offsetWidth - pb, e = c.offsetHeight - kb; if (f || e) { pb += f; kb += e } else g = l } g && a() } : a }; h.$MouseOverOutFilter = function(b, a) { return function(c) { c = u(c); var e = c.type, d = c.relatedTarget || (e == "mouseout" ? c.toElement : c.fromElement); (!d || d !== a && !h.$IsChild(a, d)) && b(c) } }; h.$AddEvent = function(a, c, d, b) { a = h.$GetElement(a); if (a.addEventListener) { c == "mousewheel" && a.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", d, b); a.addEventListener(c, d, b) } else if (a.attachEvent) { a.attachEvent("on" + c, d); b && a.setCapture && a.setCapture() } }; h.$RemoveEvent = function(a, c, d, b) { a = h.$GetElement(a); if (a.removeEventListener) { c == "mousewheel" && a.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", d, b); a.removeEventListener(c, d, b) } else if (a.detachEvent) { a.detachEvent("on" + c, d); b && a.releaseCapture && a.releaseCapture() } }; h.$FireEvent = function(c, b) { var a; if (f.createEvent) { a = f.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); a.initEvent(b, l, l); c.dispatchEvent(a) } else { var d = "on" + b; a = f.createEventObject(); c.fireEvent(d, a) } }; h.$CancelEvent = function(a) { a = u(a); a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); a.cancel = d; a.returnValue = l }; h.$StopEvent = function(a) { a = u(a); a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation(); a.cancelBubble = d }; h.$CreateCallback = function(d, c) { var a = [], 2), b = function() { var b = a.concat([], 0)); return c.apply(d, b) }; return b }; h.$InnerText = function(a, b) { if (b == g) return a.textContent || a.innerText; var c = f.createTextNode(b); h.$Empty(a); a.appendChild(c) }; h.$InnerHtml = function(a, b) { if (b == g) return a.innerHTML; a.innerHTML = b }; h.$GetClientRect = function(b) { var a = b.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: a.left, y:, w: a.right - a.left, h: a.bottom - } }; h.$ClearInnerHtml = function(a) { a.innerHTML = "" }; h.$EncodeHtml = function(b) { var a = h.$CreateDiv(); h.$InnerText(a, b); return h.$InnerHtml(a) }; h.$DecodeHtml = function(b) { var a = h.$CreateDiv(); h.$InnerHtml(a, b); return h.$InnerText(a) }; h.$SelectElement = function(c) { var b; if (k.getSelection) b = k.getSelection(); var a = j; if (f.createRange) { a = f.createRange(); a.selectNode(c) } else { a = f.body.createTextRange(); a.moveToElementText(c); } b && b.addRange(a) }; h.$DeselectElements = function() { if (f.selection) f.selection.empty(); else k.getSelection && k.getSelection().removeAllRanges() }; h.$Children = function(d, c) { for (var b = [], a = d.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling)(c || a.nodeType == 1) && b.push(a); return b }; function tb(a, c, e, b) { b = b || "u"; for (a = a ? a.firstChild : j; a; a = a.nextSibling) if (a.nodeType == 1) { if (Y(a, b) == c) return a; if (!e) { var d = tb(a, c, e, b); if (d) return d } } } h.$FindChild = tb; function W(a, d, f, b) { b = b || "u"; var c = []; for (a = a ? a.firstChild : j; a; a = a.nextSibling) if (a.nodeType == 1) { Y(a, b) == d && c.push(a); if (!f) { var e = W(a, d, f, b); if (e.length) c = c.concat(e) } } return c } function ob(a, c, d) { for (a = a ? a.firstChild : j; a; a = a.nextSibling) if (a.nodeType == 1) { if (a.tagName == c) return a; if (!d) { var b = ob(a, c, d); if (b) return b } } } h.$FindChildByTag = ob; function ib(a, c, e) { var b = []; for (a = a ? a.firstChild : j; a; a = a.nextSibling) if (a.nodeType == 1) { (!c || a.tagName == c) && b.push(a); if (!e) { var d = ib(a, c, e); if (d.length) b = b.concat(d) } } return b } h.$FindChildrenByTag = ib; h.$GetElementsByTag = function(b, a) { return b.getElementsByTagName(a) }; function E() { var e = arguments, d, c, b, a, h = 1 & e[0], f = 1 + h; d = e[f - 1] || {}; for (; f < e.length; f++) if (c = e[f]) for (b in c) { a = c[b]; if (a !== g) { a = c[b]; var i = d[b]; d[b] = h && (B(i) || B(a)) ? E(h, {}, i, a) : a } } return d } h.$Extend = E; function cb(f, g) { var d = {}, c, a, b; for (c in f) { a = f[c]; b = g[c]; if (a !== b) { var e; if (B(a) && B(b)) { a = cb(a, b); e = !sb(a) }!e && (d[c] = a) } } return d } h.$Unextend = cb; h.$IsFunction = function(a) { return F(a) == "function" }; h.$IsArray = function(a) { return F(a) == "array" }; h.$IsString = function(a) { return F(a) == "string" }; h.$IsNumeric = function(a) { return !isNaN(q(a)) && isFinite(a) }; h.$Type = F; h.$Each = n; h.$IsNotEmpty = sb; h.$IsPlainObject = B; function V(a) { return f.createElement(a) } h.$CreateElement = V; h.$CreateDiv = function() { return V("DIV") }; h.$CreateSpan = function() { return V("SPAN") }; h.$EmptyFunction = function() {}; function Z(b, c, a) { if (a == g) return b.getAttribute(c); b.setAttribute(c, a) } function Y(a, b) { return Z(a, b) || Z(a, "data-" + b) } h.$Attribute = Z; h.$AttributeEx = Y; function x(b, a) { if (a == g) return b.className; b.className = a } h.$ClassName = x; function xb(b) { var a = {}; n(b, function(b) { a[b] = b }); return a } function Ib(b) { var a = []; n(b, function(b) { a.push(b) }); return a } function zb(b, a) { return b.match(a || Ab) } function S(b, a) { return xb(zb(b || "", a)) } h.$ToHash = xb; h.$FromHash = Ib; h.$Split = zb; function eb(b, c) { var a = ""; n(c, function(c) { a && (a += b); a += c }); return a } function J(a, c, b) { x(a, eb(" ", E(cb(S(x(a)), S(c)), S(b)))) } h.$Join = eb; h.$AddClass = function(b, a) { J(b, j, a) }; h.$RemoveClass = J; h.$ReplaceClass = J; h.$ParentNode = function(a) { return a.parentNode }; h.$HideElement = function(a) { h.$CssDisplay(a, "none") }; h.$EnableElement = function(a, b) { if (b) h.$Attribute(a, "disabled", d); else h.$RemoveAttribute(a, "disabled") }; h.$HideElements = function(b) { for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) h.$HideElement(b[a]) }; h.$ShowElement = function(a, b) { h.$CssDisplay(a, b ? "none" : "") }; h.$ShowElements = function(b, c) { for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) h.$ShowElement(b[a], c) }; h.$RemoveAttribute = function(b, a) { b.removeAttribute(a) }; h.$CanClearClip = function() { return r() && i < 10 }; h.$SetStyleClip = function(d, a) { if (a) = "rect(" + c.round(a.$Top) + "px " + c.round(a.$Right) + "px " + c.round(a.$Bottom) + "px " + c.round(a.$Left) + "px)"; else if (a !== g) { var h =, f = [new RegExp(/[\s]*clip: rect\(.*?\)[;]?/i), new RegExp(/[\s]*cliptop: .*?[;]?/i), new RegExp(/[\s]*clipright: .*?[;]?/i), new RegExp(/[\s]*clipbottom: .*?[;]?/i), new RegExp(/[\s]*clipleft: .*?[;]?/i)], e = C(h, f, ""); b.$CssCssText(d, e) } }; h.$GetNow = function() { return +new Date }; h.$AppendChild = function(b, a) { b.appendChild(a) }; h.$AppendChildren = function(b, a) { n(a, function(a) { h.$AppendChild(b, a) }) }; h.$InsertBefore = function(b, a, c) { (c || a.parentNode).insertBefore(b, a) }; h.$InsertAfter = function(b, a, c) { h.$InsertBefore(b, a.nextSibling, c || a.parentNode) }; h.$InsertAdjacentHtml = function(b, a, c) { b.insertAdjacentHTML(a, c) }; h.$RemoveElement = function(b, a) { a = a || b.parentNode; a && a.removeChild(b) }; h.$RemoveElements = function(a, b) { n(a, function(a) { h.$RemoveElement(a, b) }) }; h.$Empty = function(a) { h.$RemoveElements(h.$Children(a, d), a) }; h.$CenterElement = function(a, b) { var c = h.$ParentNode(a); b & 1 && h.$CssLeft(a, (h.$CssWidth(c) - h.$CssWidth(a)) / 2); b & 2 && h.$CssTop(a, (h.$CssHeight(c) - h.$CssHeight(a)) / 2) }; h.$ParseInt = function(b, a) { return parseInt(b, a || 10) }; h.$ParseFloat = q; h.$IsChild = function(b, a) { var c = f.body; while (a && b !== a && c !== a) try { a = a.parentNode } catch (d) { return l } return b === a }; function ab(d, c, b) { var a = d.cloneNode(!c); !b && h.$RemoveAttribute(a, "id"); return a } h.$CloneNode = ab; h.$LoadImage = function(e, f) { var a = new Image; function b(e, d) { h.$RemoveEvent(a, "load", b); h.$RemoveEvent(a, "abort", c); h.$RemoveEvent(a, "error", c); f && f(a, d) } function c(a) { b(a, d) } if (qb() && i < 11.6 || !e) b(!e); else { h.$AddEvent(a, "load", b); h.$AddEvent(a, "abort", c); h.$AddEvent(a, "error", c); a.src = e } }; h.$LoadImages = function(d, a, e) { var c = d.length + 1; function b(b) { c--; if (a && b && b.src == a.src) a = b; !c && e && e(a) } n(d, function(a) { h.$LoadImage(a.src, b) }); b() }; h.$BuildElement = function(a, g, i, h) { if (h) a = ab(a); var c = W(a, g); if (!c.length) c = b.$GetElementsByTag(a, g); for (var f = c.length - 1; f > -1; f--) { var d = c[f], e = ab(i); x(e, x(d)); b.$CssCssText(e,; b.$InsertBefore(e, d); b.$RemoveElement(d) } return a }; function Hb(a) { var l = this, p = "", r = ["av", "pv", "ds", "dn"], e = [], q, k = 0, i = 0, d = 0; function j() { J(a, q, e[d || k || i & 2 || i]); b.$Css(a, "pointer-events", d ? "none" : "") } function c() { k = 0; j(); h.$RemoveEvent(f, "mouseup", c); h.$RemoveEvent(f, "touchend", c); h.$RemoveEvent(f, "touchcancel", c) } function o(a) { if (d) h.$CancelEvent(a); else { k = 4; j(); h.$AddEvent(f, "mouseup", c); h.$AddEvent(f, "touchend", c); h.$AddEvent(f, "touchcancel", c) } } l.$Selected = function(a) { if (a === g) return i; i = a & 2 || a & 1; j() }; l.$Enable = function(a) { if (a === g) return !d; d = a ? 0 : 3; j() }; l.$Elmt = a = h.$GetElement(a); var m = b.$Split(x(a)); if (m) p = m.shift(); n(r, function(a) { e.push(p + a) }); q = eb(" ", e); e.unshift(""); h.$AddEvent(a, "mousedown", o); h.$AddEvent(a, "touchstart", o) } h.$Buttonize = function(a) { return new Hb(a) }; h.$Css = G; h.$CssN = db; h.$CssP = Kb; h.$CssOverflow = m("overflow"); h.$CssTop = m("top", 2); h.$CssLeft = m("left", 2); h.$CssWidth = m("width", 2); h.$CssHeight = m("height", 2); h.$CssMarginLeft = m("marginLeft", 2); h.$CssMarginTop = m("marginTop", 2); h.$CssPosition = m("position"); h.$CssDisplay = m("display"); h.$CssZIndex = m("zIndex", 1); h.$CssFloat = function(b, a) { return G(b, r() ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat", a) }; h.$CssOpacity = function(b, a, c) { if (a != g) Fb(b, a, c); else return Db(b) }; h.$CssCssText = function(a, b) { if (b != g) = b; else return }; var X = { $Opacity: h.$CssOpacity, $Top: h.$CssTop, $Left: h.$CssLeft, $Width: h.$CssWidth, $Height: h.$CssHeight, $Position: h.$CssPosition, $Display: h.$CssDisplay, $ZIndex: h.$CssZIndex }; h.$GetStyles = function(c, b) { var a = {}; n(b, function(d, b) { if (X[b]) a[b] = X[b](c) }); return a }; function w(f, l) { var e = R(), b = H(), d = gb(), i = N(f); function k(b, d, a) { var e = b.$TransformPoint(p(-d / 2, -a / 2)), f = b.$TransformPoint(p(d / 2, -a / 2)), g = b.$TransformPoint(p(d / 2, a / 2)), h = b.$TransformPoint(p(-d / 2, a / 2)); b.$TransformPoint(p(300, 300)); return p(c.min(e.x, f.x, g.x, h.x) + d / 2, c.min(e.y, f.y, g.y, h.y) + a / 2) } function a(d, a) { a = a || {}; var f = a.$TranslateZ || 0, l = (a.$RotateX || 0) % 360, m = (a.$RotateY || 0) % 360, o = (a.$Rotate || 0) % 360, p = a.$ScaleZ; if (e) { f = 0; l = 0; m = 0; p = 0 } var c = new Cb(a.$TranslateX, a.$TranslateY, f); c.$RotateX(l); c.$RotateY(m); c.$RotateZ(o); c.$Skew(a.$SkewX, a.$SkewY); c.$Scale(a.$ScaleX, a.$ScaleY, p); if (b) { c.$Move(a.$MoveX, a.$MoveY);[i] = c.$Format3d() } else if (!z || z < 9) { var j = ""; if (o || a.$ScaleX != g && a.$ScaleX != 1 || a.$ScaleY != g && a.$ScaleY != 1) { var n = k(c, a.$OriginalWidth, a.$OriginalHeight); h.$CssMarginTop(d, n.y); h.$CssMarginLeft(d, n.x); j = c.$Format2d() } var r =, s = new RegExp(/[\s]*progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\([^\)]*\)/g), q = C(r, [s], j); U(d, q) } } w = function(e, c) { c = c || {}; var i = c.$MoveX, k = c.$MoveY, f; n(X, function(a, b) { f = c[b]; f !== g && a(e, f) }); h.$SetStyleClip(e, c.$Clip); if (!b) { i != g && h.$CssLeft(e, c.$OriginalX + i); k != g && h.$CssTop(e, c.$OriginalY + k) } if (c.$Transform) if (d) yb(h.$CreateCallback(j, P, e, c)); else a(e, c) }; h.$SetStyleTransform = P; if (d) h.$SetStyleTransform = w; if (e) h.$SetStyleTransform = a; else if (!b) a = P; h.$SetStyles = w; w(f, l) } h.$SetStyleTransform = w; h.$SetStyles = w; function Cb(k, l, p) { var d = this, b = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, k || 0, l || 0, p || 0, 1], i = c.sin, h = c.cos, m = c.tan; function f(a) { return a * c.PI / 180 } function o(a, b) { return { x: a, y: b } } function n(b, c, f, g, i, l, n, o, q, t, u, w, y, A, C, F, a, d, e, h, j, k, m, p, r, s, v, x, z, B, D, E) { return [b * a + c * j + f * r + g * z, b * d + c * k + f * s + g * B, b * e + c * m + f * v + g * D, b * h + c * p + f * x + g * E, i * a + l * j + n * r + o * z, i * d + l * k + n * s + o * B, i * e + l * m + n * v + o * D, i * h + l * p + n * x + o * E, q * a + t * j + u * r + w * z, q * d + t * k + u * s + w * B, q * e + t * m + u * v + w * D, q * h + t * p + u * x + w * E, y * a + A * j + C * r + F * z, y * d + A * k + C * s + F * B, y * e + A * m + C * v + F * D, y * h + A * p + C * x + F * E] } function e(c, a) { return n.apply(j, (a || b).concat(c)) } d.$Matrix = function() { return b }; d.$Scale = function(a, c, d) { if (a == g) a = 1; if (c == g) c = 1; if (d == g) d = 1; if (a != 1 || c != 1 || d != 1) b = e([a, 0, 0, 0, 0, c, 0, 0, 0, 0, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }; d.$Translate = function(a, c, d) { if (a || c || d) b = e([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, a || 0, c || 0, d || 0, 1]) }; d.$Move = function(a, c, d) { b[12] += a || 0; b[13] += c || 0; b[14] += d || 0 }; d.$RotateX = function(c) { if (c) { a = f(c); var d = h(a), g = i(a); b = e([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, d, g, 0, 0, -g, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) } }; d.$RotateY = function(c) { if (c) { a = f(c); var d = h(a), g = i(a); b = e([d, 0, -g, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, g, 0, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) } }; d.$RotateZ = function(c) { if (c) { a = f(c); var d = h(a), g = i(a); b = e([d, g, 0, 0, -g, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) } }; d.$Skew = function(a, c) { if (a || c) { k = f(a); l = f(c); b = e([1, m(l), 0, 0, m(k), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) } }; d.$TransformPoint = function(c) { var a = e(b, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, c.x, c.y, 0, 1]); return o(a[12], a[13]) }; d.$Format3d = function() { return "matrix3d(" + b.join(",") + ")" }; d.$Format2d = function() { return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + b[0] + ", M12=" + b[4] + ", M21=" + b[1] + ", M22=" + b[5] + ", SizingMethod='auto expand')" } } new(function() { var a = this; function b(d, g) { for (var j = d[0].length, i = d.length, h = g[0].length, f = [], c = 0; c < i; c++) for (var k = f[c] = [], b = 0; b < h; b++) { for (var e = 0, a = 0; a < j; a++) e += d[c][a] * g[a][b]; k[b] = e } return f } a.$ScaleX = function(b, c) { return a.$ScaleXY(b, c, 0) }; a.$ScaleY = function(b, c) { return a.$ScaleXY(b, 0, c) }; a.$ScaleXY = function(a, c, d) { return b(a, [ [c, 0], [0, d] ]) }; a.$TransformPoint = function(d, c) { var a = b(d, [ [c.x], [c.y] ]); return p(a[0][0], a[1][0]) } }); var Q = { $OriginalX: 0, $OriginalY: 0, $MoveX: 0, $MoveY: 0, $Zoom: 1, $ScaleX: 1, $ScaleY: 1, $Rotate: 0, $RotateX: 0, $RotateY: 0, $TranslateX: 0, $TranslateY: 0, $TranslateZ: 0, $SkewX: 0, $SkewY: 0 }; h.$FormatEasings = function(a) { var c = a || {}; if (a) if (b.$IsFunction(a)) c = { $Default: c }; else if (b.$IsFunction(a.$Clip)) c.$Clip = { $Default: a.$Clip }; return c }; function wb(c, a) { var b = {}; n(c, function(c, d) { var e = c; if (a[d] != g) if (h.$IsNumeric(c)) e = c + a[d]; else e = wb(c, a[d]); b[d] = e }); return b } h.$AddDif = wb; h.$Cast = function(l, m, w, n, y, z, o) { var a = m; if (l) { a = {}; for (var h in m) { var A = z[h] || 1, v = y[h] || [0, 1], f = (w - v[0]) / v[1]; f = c.min(c.max(f, 0), 1); f = f * A; var u = c.floor(f); if (f != u) f -= u; var i = n.$Default || e.$EaseSwing, k, B = l[h], q = m[h]; if (b.$IsNumeric(q)) { i = n[h] || i; var x = i(f); k = B + q * x } else { k = b.$Extend({ $Offset: {} }, l[h]); b.$Each(q.$Offset || q, function(d, a) { if (n.$Clip) i = n.$Clip[a] || n.$Clip.$Default || i; var c = i(f), b = d * c; k.$Offset[a] = b; k[a] += b }) } a[h] = k } var t = b.$Each(m, function(b, a) { return Q[a] != g }); t && b.$Each(Q, function(c, b) { if (a[b] == g && l[b] !== g) a[b] = l[b] }); if (t) { if (a.$Zoom) a.$ScaleX = a.$ScaleY = a.$Zoom; a.$OriginalWidth = o.$OriginalWidth; a.$OriginalHeight = o.$OriginalHeight; a.$Transform = d } } if (m.$Clip && o.$Move) { var p = a.$Clip.$Offset, s = (p.$Top || 0) + (p.$Bottom || 0), r = (p.$Left || 0) + (p.$Right || 0); a.$Left = (a.$Left || 0) + r; a.$Top = (a.$Top || 0) + s; a.$Clip.$Left -= r; a.$Clip.$Right -= r; a.$Clip.$Top -= s; a.$Clip.$Bottom -= s } if (a.$Clip && b.$CanClearClip() && !a.$Clip.$Top && !a.$Clip.$Left && a.$Clip.$Right == o.$OriginalWidth && a.$Clip.$Bottom == o.$OriginalHeight) a.$Clip = j; return a } }; function n() { var a = this, d = [], c = []; function h(a, b) { d.push({ $EventName: a, $Handler: b }) } function g(a, c) { b.$Each(d, function(b, e) { b.$EventName == a && b.$Handler === c && d.splice(e, 1) }) } function f() { d = [] } function e() { b.$Each(c, function(a) { b.$RemoveEvent(a.$Obj, a.$EventName, a.$Handler) }); c = [] } a.$Listen = function(e, a, d, f) { b.$AddEvent(e, a, d, f); c.push({ $Obj: e, $EventName: a, $Handler: d }) }; a.$Unlisten = function(e, a, d) { b.$Each(c, function(f, g) { if (f.$Obj === e && f.$EventName == a && f.$Handler === d) { b.$RemoveEvent(e, a, d); c.splice(g, 1) } }) }; a.$UnlistenAll = e; a.$On = a.addEventListener = h; a.$Off = a.removeEventListener = g; a.$TriggerEvent = function(a) { var c = [], 1); b.$Each(d, function(b) { b.$EventName == a && b.$Handler.apply(k, c) }) }; a.$Destroy = function() { e(); f(); for (var b in a) delete a[b] } } var m = k.$JssorAnimator$ = function(z, C, h, L, O, J) { z = z || 0; var a = this, q, N, n, o, v, A = 0, H, I, G, B, y = 0, g = 0, m = 0, D, i, s, f, e, p, w = [], x; function P(a) { f += a; e += a; i += a; s += a; g += a; m += a; y += a } function u(o) { var j = o; if (p && (j >= e || j <= f)) j = ((j - f) % p + p) % p + f; if (!D || v || g != j) { var k = c.min(j, e); k = c.max(k, f); if (!D || v || k != m) { if (J) { var l = (k - i) / (C || 1); if (h.$Reverse) l = 1 - l; var n = b.$Cast(O, J, l, H, G, I, h); if (x) b.$Each(n, function(b, a) { x[a] && x[a](L, b) }); else b.$SetStyles(L, n) } a.$OnInnerOffsetChange(m - i, k - i); m = k; b.$Each(w, function(b, c) { var a = o < g ? w[w.length - c - 1] : b; a.$GoToPosition(m - y) }); var r = g, q = m; g = j; D = d; a.$OnPositionChange(r, q) } } } function E(a, b, d) { b && a.$Shift(e); if (!d) { f = c.min(f, a.$GetPosition_OuterBegin() + y); e = c.max(e, a.$GetPosition_OuterEnd() + y) } w.push(a) } var r = k.requestAnimationFrame || k.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || k.mozRequestAnimationFrame || k.msRequestAnimationFrame; if (b.$IsBrowserSafari() && b.$BrowserVersion() < 7) r = j; r = r || function(a) { b.$Delay(a, h.$Interval) }; function K() { if (q) { var d = b.$GetNow(), e = c.min(d - A, h.$IntervalMax), a = g + e * o; A = d; if (a * o >= n * o) a = n; u(a); if (!v && a * o >= n * o) M(B); else r(K) } } function t(h, i, j) { if (!q) { q = d; v = j; B = i; h = c.max(h, f); h = c.min(h, e); n = h; o = n < g ? -1 : 1; a.$OnStart(); A = b.$GetNow(); r(K) } } function M(b) { if (q) { v = q = B = l; a.$OnStop(); b && b() } } a.$Play = function(a, b, c) { t(a ? g + a : e, b, c) }; a.$PlayToPosition = t; a.$PlayToBegin = function(a, b) { t(f, a, b) }; a.$PlayToEnd = function(a, b) { t(e, a, b) }; a.$Stop = M; a.$Continue = function(a) { t(a) }; a.$GetPosition = function() { return g }; a.$GetPlayToPosition = function() { return n }; a.$GetPosition_Display = function() { return m }; a.$GoToPosition = u; a.$GoToBegin = function() { u(f, d) }; a.$GoToEnd = function() { u(e, d) }; a.$Move = function(a) { u(g + a) }; a.$CombineMode = function() { return N }; a.$GetDuration = function() { return C }; a.$IsPlaying = function() { return q }; a.$IsOnTheWay = function() { return g > i && g <= s }; a.$SetLoopLength = function(a) { p = a }; a.$Shift = P; a.$Join = E; a.$Combine = function(a, b) { E(a, 0, b) }; a.$Chain = function(a) { E(a, 1) }; a.$Expand = function(a) { e += a }; a.$GetPosition_InnerBegin = function() { return i }; a.$GetPosition_InnerEnd = function() { return s }; a.$GetPosition_OuterBegin = function() { return f }; a.$GetPosition_OuterEnd = function() { return e }; a.$OnPositionChange = a.$OnStart = a.$OnStop = a.$OnInnerOffsetChange = b.$EmptyFunction; a.$Version = b.$GetNow(); h = b.$Extend({ $Interval: 16, $IntervalMax: 50 }, h); p = h.$LoopLength; x = h.$Setter; f = i = z; e = s = z + C; I = h.$Round || {}; G = h.$During || {}; H = b.$FormatEasings(h.$Easing) }; var p = k.$JssorSlideshowFormations$ = new function() { var h = this, b = 0, a = 1, f = 2, e = 3, s = 1, r = 2, t = 4, q = 8, w = 256, x = 512, v = 1024, u = 2048, j = u + s, i = u + r, o = x + s, m = x + r, n = w + t, k = w + q, l = v + t, p = v + q; function y(a) { return (a & r) == r } function z(a) { return (a & t) == t } function g(b, a, c) { c.push(a); b[a] = b[a] || []; b[a].push(c) } h.$FormationStraight = function(f) { for (var d = f.$Cols, e = f.$Rows, s = f.$Assembly, t = f.$Count, r = [], a = 0, b = 0, p = d - 1, q = e - 1, h = t - 1, c, b = 0; b < e; b++) for (a = 0; a < d; a++) { switch (s) { case j: c = h - (a * e + (q - b)); break; case l: c = h - (b * d + (p - a)); break; case o: c = h - (a * e + b); case n: c = h - (b * d + a); break; case i: c = a * e + b; break; case k: c = b * d + (p - a); break; case m: c = a * e + (q - b); break; default: c = b * d + a } g(r, c, [b, a]) } return r }; h.$FormationSwirl = function(q) { var x = q.$Cols, y = q.$Rows, B = q.$Assembly, w = q.$Count, A = [], z = [], u = 0, c = 0, h = 0, r = x - 1, s = y - 1, t, p, v = 0; switch (B) { case j: c = r; h = 0; p = [f, a, e, b]; break; case l: c = 0; h = s; p = [b, e, a, f]; break; case o: c = r; h = s; p = [e, a, f, b]; break; case n: c = r; h = s; p = [a, e, b, f]; break; case i: c = 0; h = 0; p = [f, b, e, a]; break; case k: c = r; h = 0; p = [a, f, b, e]; break; case m: c = 0; h = s; p = [e, b, f, a]; break; default: c = 0; h = 0; p = [b, f, a, e] } u = 0; while (u < w) { t = h + "," + c; if (c >= 0 && c < x && h >= 0 && h < y && !z[t]) { z[t] = d; g(A, u++, [h, c]) } else switch (p[v++ % p.length]) { case b: c--; break; case f: h--; break; case a: c++; break; case e: h++ } switch (p[v % p.length]) { case b: c++; break; case f: h++; break; case a: c--; break; case e: h-- } } return A }; h.$FormationZigZag = function(p) { var w = p.$Cols, x = p.$Rows, z = p.$Assembly, v = p.$Count, t = [], u = 0, c = 0, d = 0, q = w - 1, r = x - 1, y, h, s = 0; switch (z) { case j: c = q; d = 0; h = [f, a, e, a]; break; case l: c = 0; d = r; h = [b, e, a, e]; break; case o: c = q; d = r; h = [e, a, f, a]; break; case n: c = q; d = r; h = [a, e, b, e]; break; case i: c = 0; d = 0; h = [f, b, e, b]; break; case k: c = q; d = 0; h = [a, f, b, f]; break; case m: c = 0; d = r; h = [e, b, f, b]; break; default: c = 0; d = 0; h = [b, f, a, f] } u = 0; while (u < v) { y = d + "," + c; if (c >= 0 && c < w && d >= 0 && d < x && typeof t[y] == "undefined") { g(t, u++, [d, c]); switch (h[s % h.length]) { case b: c++; break; case f: d++; break; case a: c--; break; case e: d-- } } else { switch (h[s++ % h.length]) { case b: c--; break; case f: d--; break; case a: c++; break; case e: d++ } switch (h[s++ % h.length]) { case b: c++; break; case f: d++; break; case a: c--; break; case e: d-- } } } return t }; h.$FormationStraightStairs = function(q) { var u = q.$Cols, v = q.$Rows, e = q.$Assembly, t = q.$Count, r = [], s = 0, c = 0, d = 0, f = u - 1, h = v - 1, x = t - 1; switch (e) { case j: case m: case o: case i: var a = 0, b = 0; break; case k: case l: case n: case p: var a = f, b = 0; break; default: e = p; var a = f, b = 0 } c = a; d = b; while (s < t) { if (z(e) || y(e)) g(r, x - s++, [d, c]); else g(r, s++, [d, c]); switch (e) { case j: case m: c--; d++; break; case o: case i: c++; d--; break; case k: case l: c--; d--; break; case p: case n: default: c++; d++ } if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > f || d > h) { switch (e) { case j: case m: a++; break; case k: case l: case o: case i: b++; break; case p: case n: default: a-- } if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a > f || b > h) { switch (e) { case j: case m: a = f; b++; break; case o: case i: b = h; a++; break; case k: case l: b = h; a--; break; case p: case n: default: a = 0; b++ } if (b > h) b = h; else if (b < 0) b = 0; else if (a > f) a = f; else if (a < 0) a = 0 } d = b; c = a } } return r }; h.$FormationSquare = function(i) { var a = i.$Cols || 1, b = i.$Rows || 1, j = [], d, e, f, h, k; f = a < b ? (b - a) / 2 : 0; h = a > b ? (a - b) / 2 : 0; k = c.round(c.max(a / 2, b / 2)) + 1; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) for (e = 0; e < b; e++) g(j, k - c.min(d + 1 + f, e + 1 + h, a - d + f, b - e + h), [e, d]); return j }; h.$FormationRectangle = function(f) { var d = f.$Cols || 1, e = f.$Rows || 1, h = [], a, b, i; i = c.round(c.min(d / 2, e / 2)) + 1; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) for (b = 0; b < e; b++) g(h, i - c.min(a + 1, b + 1, d - a, e - b), [b, a]); return h }; h.$FormationRandom = function(d) { for (var e = [], a, b = 0; b < d.$Rows; b++) for (a = 0; a < d.$Cols; a++) g(e, c.ceil(1e5 * c.random()) % 13, [b, a]); return e }; h.$FormationCircle = function(d) { for (var e = d.$Cols || 1, f = d.$Rows || 1, h = [], a, i = e / 2 - .5, j = f / 2 - .5, b = 0; b < e; b++) for (a = 0; a < f; a++) g(h, c.round(c.sqrt(c.pow(b - i, 2) + c.pow(a - j, 2))), [a, b]); return h }; h.$FormationCross = function(d) { for (var e = d.$Cols || 1, f = d.$Rows || 1, h = [], a, i = e / 2 - .5, j = f / 2 - .5, b = 0; b < e; b++) for (a = 0; a < f; a++) g(h, c.round(c.min(c.abs(b - i), c.abs(a - j))), [a, b]); return h }; h.$FormationRectangleCross = function(f) { for (var h = f.$Cols || 1, i = f.$Rows || 1, j = [], a, d = h / 2 - .5, e = i / 2 - .5, k = c.max(d, e) + 1, b = 0; b < h; b++) for (a = 0; a < i; a++) g(j, c.round(k - c.max(d - c.abs(b - d), e - c.abs(a - e))) - 1, [a, b]); return j } }; k.$JssorSlideshowRunner$ = function(k, s, q, t, y) { var f = this, u, g, a, x = 0, w = t.$TransitionsOrder, r, h = 8; function i(g, f) { var a = { $Interval: f, $Duration: 1, $Delay: 0, $Cols: 1, $Rows: 1, $Opacity: 0, $Zoom: 0, $Clip: 0, $Move: l, $SlideOut: l, $Reverse: l, $Formation: p.$FormationRandom, $Assembly: 1032, $ChessMode: { $Column: 0, $Row: 0 }, $Easing: e.$EaseSwing, $Round: {}, $Blocks: [], $During: {} }; b.$Extend(a, g); a.$Count = a.$Cols * a.$Rows; a.$Easing = b.$FormatEasings(a.$Easing); a.$FramesCount = c.ceil(a.$Duration / a.$Interval); a.$GetBlocks = function(c, b) { c /= a.$Cols; b /= a.$Rows; var f = c + "x" + b; if (!a.$Blocks[f]) { a.$Blocks[f] = { $Width: c, $Height: b }; for (var d = 0; d < a.$Cols; d++) for (var e = 0; e < a.$Rows; e++) a.$Blocks[f][e + "," + d] = { $Top: e * b, $Right: d * c + c, $Bottom: e * b + b, $Left: d * c } } return a.$Blocks[f] }; if (a.$Brother) { a.$Brother = i(a.$Brother, f); a.$SlideOut = d } return a } function o(B, h, a, w, o, m) { var z = this, u, v = {}, i = {}, n = [], f, e, s, q = a.$ChessMode.$Column || 0, r = a.$ChessMode.$Row || 0, g = a.$GetBlocks(o, m), p = C(a), D = p.length - 1, t = a.$Duration + a.$Delay * D, x = w + t, k = a.$SlideOut, y; x += 50; function C(a) { var b = a.$Formation(a); return a.$Reverse ? b.reverse() : b } z.$EndTime = x; z.$ShowFrame = function(d) { d -= w; var e = d < t; if (e || y) { y = e; if (!k) d = t - d; var f = c.ceil(d / a.$Interval); b.$Each(i, function(a, e) { var d = c.max(f, a.$Min); d = c.min(d, a.length - 1); if (a.$LastFrameIndex != d) { if (!a.$LastFrameIndex && !k) b.$ShowElement(n[e]); else d == a.$Max && k && b.$HideElement(n[e]); a.$LastFrameIndex = d; b.$SetStyles(n[e], a[d]) } }) } }; h = b.$CloneNode(h); b.$SetStyleTransform(h, j); if (b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) { var E = !h["no-image"], A = b.$FindChildrenByTag(h); b.$Each(A, function(a) { (E || a["jssor-slider"]) && b.$CssOpacity(a, b.$CssOpacity(a), d) }) } b.$Each(p, function(h, j) { b.$Each(h, function(G) { var K = G[0], J = G[1], t = K + "," + J, n = l, p = l, x = l; if (q && J % 2) { if (q & 3) n = !n; if (q & 12) p = !p; if (q & 16) x = !x } if (r && K % 2) { if (r & 3) n = !n; if (r & 12) p = !p; if (r & 16) x = !x } a.$Top = a.$Top || a.$Clip & 4; a.$Bottom = a.$Bottom || a.$Clip & 8; a.$Left = a.$Left || a.$Clip & 1; a.$Right = a.$Right || a.$Clip & 2; var C = p ? a.$Bottom : a.$Top, z = p ? a.$Top : a.$Bottom, B = n ? a.$Right : a.$Left, A = n ? a.$Left : a.$Right; a.$Clip = C || z || B || A; s = {}; e = { $Top: 0, $Left: 0, $Opacity: 1, $Width: o, $Height: m }; f = b.$Extend({}, e); u = b.$Extend({}, g[t]); if (a.$Opacity) e.$Opacity = 2 - a.$Opacity; if (a.$ZIndex) { e.$ZIndex = a.$ZIndex; f.$ZIndex = 0 } var I = a.$Cols * a.$Rows > 1 || a.$Clip; if (a.$Zoom || a.$Rotate) { var H = d; if (b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) if (a.$Cols * a.$Rows > 1) H = l; else I = l; if (H) { e.$Zoom = a.$Zoom ? a.$Zoom - 1 : 1; f.$Zoom = 1; if (b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || b.$IsBrowserOpera()) e.$Zoom = c.min(e.$Zoom, 2); var N = a.$Rotate || 0; e.$Rotate = N * 360 * (x ? -1 : 1); f.$Rotate = 0 } } if (I) { var h = u.$Offset = {}; if (a.$Clip) { var w = a.$ScaleClip || 1; if (C && z) { h.$Top = g.$Height / 2 * w; h.$Bottom = -h.$Top } else if (C) h.$Bottom = -g.$Height * w; else if (z) h.$Top = g.$Height * w; if (B && A) { h.$Left = g.$Width / 2 * w; h.$Right = -h.$Left } else if (B) h.$Right = -g.$Width * w; else if (A) h.$Left = g.$Width * w } s.$Clip = u; f.$Clip = g[t] } var L = n ? 1 : -1, M = p ? 1 : -1; if (a.x) e.$Left += o * a.x * L; if (a.y) e.$Top += m * a.y * M; b.$Each(e, function(a, c) { if (b.$IsNumeric(a)) if (a != f[c]) s[c] = a - f[c] }); v[t] = k ? f : e; var D = a.$FramesCount, y = c.round(j * a.$Delay / a.$Interval); i[t] = new Array(y); i[t].$Min = y; i[t].$Max = y + D - 1; for (var F = 0; F <= D; F++) { var E = b.$Cast(f, s, F / D, a.$Easing, a.$During, a.$Round, { $Move: a.$Move, $OriginalWidth: o, $OriginalHeight: m }); E.$ZIndex = E.$ZIndex || 1; i[t].push(E) } }) }); p.reverse(); b.$Each(p, function(a) { b.$Each(a, function(c) { var f = c[0], e = c[1], d = f + "," + e, a = h; if (e || f) a = b.$CloneNode(h); b.$SetStyles(a, v[d]); b.$CssOverflow(a, "hidden"); b.$CssPosition(a, "absolute"); B.$AddClipElement(a); n[d] = a; b.$ShowElement(a, !k) }) }) } function v() { var b = this, c = 0;, 0, u); b.$OnPositionChange = function(d, b) { if (b - c > h) { c = b; a && a.$ShowFrame(b); g && g.$ShowFrame(b) } }; b.$Transition = r } f.$GetTransition = function() { var a = 0, b = t.$Transitions, d = b.length; if (w) a = x++ % d; else a = c.floor(c.random() * d); b[a] && (b[a].$Index = a); return b[a] }; f.$Initialize = function(w, x, l, m, b) { r = b; b = i(b, h); var j = m.$Item, e = l.$Item; j["no-image"] = !m.$Image; e["no-image"] = !l.$Image; var n = j, p = e, v = b, d = b.$Brother || i({}, h); if (!b.$SlideOut) { n = e; p = j } var t = d.$Shift || 0; g = new o(k, p, d, c.max(t - d.$Interval, 0), s, q); a = new o(k, n, v, c.max(d.$Interval - t, 0), s, q); g.$ShowFrame(0); a.$ShowFrame(0); u = c.max(g.$EndTime, a.$EndTime); f.$Index = w }; f.$Clear = function() { k.$Clear(); g = j; a = j }; f.$GetProcessor = function() { var b = j; if (a) b = new v; return b }; if (b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || b.$IsBrowserOpera() || y && b.$WebKitVersion() < 537) h = 16;;, -1e7, 1e7) }; var i = k.$JssorSlider$ = function(p, hc) { var h = this; function Fc() { var a = this;, -1e8, 2e8); a.$GetCurrentSlideInfo = function() { var b = a.$GetPosition_Display(), d = c.floor(b), f = t(d), e = b - c.floor(b); return { $Index: f, $VirtualIndex: d, $Position: e } }; a.$OnPositionChange = function(b, a) { var e = c.floor(a); if (e != a && a > b) e++; Wb(e, d); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE, t(a), t(b), a, b) } } function Ec() { var a = this;, 0, 0, { $LoopLength: r }); b.$Each(C, function(b) { D & 1 && b.$SetLoopLength(r); a.$Chain(b); b.$Shift(fb / dc) }) } function Dc() { var a = this, b = Vb.$Elmt;, -1, 2, { $Easing: e.$EaseLinear, $Setter: { $Position: bc }, $LoopLength: r }, b, { $Position: 1 }, { $Position: -2 }); a.$Wrapper = b } function rc(o, n) { var b = this, e, f, g, k, c;, -1e8, 2e8, { $IntervalMax: 100 }); b.$OnStart = function() { O = d; R = j; h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_SWIPE_START, t(w.$GetPosition()), w.$GetPosition()) }; b.$OnStop = function() { O = l; k = l; var a = w.$GetCurrentSlideInfo(); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_SWIPE_END, t(w.$GetPosition()), w.$GetPosition()); !a.$Position && Hc(a.$VirtualIndex, s) }; b.$OnPositionChange = function(i, h) { var b; if (k) b = c; else { b = f; if (g) { var d = h / g; b = a.$SlideEasing(d) * (f - e) + e } } w.$GoToPosition(b) }; b.$PlayCarousel = function(a, d, c, h) { e = a; f = d; g = c; w.$GoToPosition(a); b.$GoToPosition(0); b.$PlayToPosition(c, h) }; b.$StandBy = function(a) { k = d; c = a; b.$Play(a, j, d) }; b.$SetStandByPosition = function(a) { c = a }; b.$MoveCarouselTo = function(a) { w.$GoToPosition(a) }; w = new Fc; w.$Combine(o); w.$Combine(n) } function sc() { var c = this, a = Zb(); b.$CssZIndex(a, 0); b.$Css(a, "pointerEvents", "none"); c.$Elmt = a; c.$AddClipElement = function(c) { b.$AppendChild(a, c); b.$ShowElement(a) }; c.$Clear = function() { b.$HideElement(a); b.$Empty(a) } } function Bc(k, f) { var e = this, q, H, x, o, y = [], w, B, W, G, Q, F, g, v, p, eb;, -u, u + 1, { $SlideItemAnimator: d }); function E(a) { q && q.$Revert(); T(k, a, 0); F = d; q = new I.$Class(k, I, b.$ParseFloat(b.$AttributeEx(k, "idle")) || qc); q.$GoToPosition(0) } function Y() { q.$Version < I.$Version && E() } function N(p, r, n) { if (!G) { G = d; if (o && n) { var g = n.width, c = n.height, m = g, k = c; if (g && c && a.$FillMode) { if (a.$FillMode & 3 && (!(a.$FillMode & 4) || g > K || c > J)) { var j = l, q = K / J * c / g; if (a.$FillMode & 1) j = q > 1; else if (a.$FillMode & 2) j = q < 1; m = j ? g * J / c : K; k = j ? J : c * K / g } b.$CssWidth(o, m); b.$CssHeight(o, k); b.$CssTop(o, (J - k) / 2); b.$CssLeft(o, (K - m) / 2) } b.$CssPosition(o, "absolute"); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_LOAD_END, f) } } b.$HideElement(r); p && p(e) } function X(b, c, d, g) { if (g == R && s == f && P) if (!Gc) { var a = t(b); A.$Initialize(a, f, c, e, d); c.$HideContentForSlideshow(); U.$Shift(a - U.$GetPosition_OuterBegin() - 1); U.$GoToPosition(a); z.$PlayCarousel(b, b, 0) } } function ab(b) { if (b == R && s == f) { if (!g) { var a = j; if (A) if (A.$Index == f) a = A.$GetProcessor(); else A.$Clear(); Y(); g = new zc(k, f, a, q); g.$SetPlayer(p) }!g.$IsPlaying() && g.$Replay() } } function S(d, h, l) { if (d == f) { if (d != h) C[h] && C[h].$ParkOut(); else !l && g && g.$AdjustIdleOnPark(); p && p.$Enable(); var m = R = b.$GetNow(); e.$LoadImage(b.$CreateCallback(j, ab, m)) } else { var k = c.min(f, d), i = c.max(f, d), o = c.min(i - k, k + r - i), n = u + a.$LazyLoading - 1; (!Q || o <= n) && e.$LoadImage() } } function bb() { if (s == f && g) { g.$Stop(); p && p.$Quit(); p && p.$Disable(); g.$OpenSlideshowPanel() } } function db() { s == f && g && g.$Stop() } function Z(a) { !M && h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_CLICK, f, a) } function O() { p = v.pInstance; g && g.$SetPlayer(p) } e.$LoadImage = function(c, a) { a = a || x; if (y.length && !G) { b.$ShowElement(a); if (!W) { W = d; h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_LOAD_START, f); b.$Each(y, function(a) { if (!b.$Attribute(a, "src")) { a.src = b.$AttributeEx(a, "src2"); b.$CssDisplay(a, a["display-origin"]) } }) } b.$LoadImages(y, o, b.$CreateCallback(j, N, c, a)) } else N(c, a) }; e.$GoForNextSlide = function() { var h = f; if (a.$AutoPlaySteps < 0) h -= r; var d = h + a.$AutoPlaySteps * xc; if (D & 2) d = t(d); if (!(D & 1)) d = c.max(0, c.min(d, r - u)); if (d != f) { if (A) { var e = A.$GetTransition(r); if (e) { var i = R = b.$GetNow(), g = C[t(d)]; return g.$LoadImage(b.$CreateCallback(j, X, d, g, e, i), x) } } nb(d) } }; e.$TryActivate = function() { S(f, f, d) }; e.$ParkOut = function() { p && p.$Quit(); p && p.$Disable(); e.$UnhideContentForSlideshow(); g && g.$Abort(); g = j; E() }; e.$StampSlideItemElements = function(a) { a = eb + "_" + a }; e.$HideContentForSlideshow = function() { b.$HideElement(k) }; e.$UnhideContentForSlideshow = function() { b.$ShowElement(k) }; e.$EnablePlayer = function() { p && p.$Enable() }; function T(a, c, e) { if (b.$Attribute(a, "jssor-slider")) return; if (!F) { if (a.tagName == "IMG") { y.push(a); if (!b.$Attribute(a, "src")) { Q = d; a["display-origin"] = b.$CssDisplay(a); b.$HideElement(a) } } b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() && b.$CssZIndex(a, (b.$CssZIndex(a) || 0) + 1) } var f = b.$Children(a); b.$Each(f, function(f) { var h = f.tagName, i = b.$AttributeEx(f, "u"); if (i == "player" && !v) { v = f; if (v.pInstance) O(); else b.$AddEvent(v, "dataavailable", O) } if (i == "caption") { if (c) { b.$CssTransformOrigin(f, b.$AttributeEx(f, "to")); b.$CssBackfaceVisibility(f, b.$AttributeEx(f, "bf")); b.$AttributeEx(f, "3d") && b.$CssTransformStyle(f, "preserve-3d") } else if (!b.$IsBrowserIE()) { var g = b.$CloneNode(f, l, d); b.$InsertBefore(g, f, a); b.$RemoveElement(f, a); f = g; c = d } } else if (!F && !e && !o) { if (h == "A") { if (b.$AttributeEx(f, "u") == "image") o = b.$FindChildByTag(f, "IMG"); else o = b.$FindChild(f, "image", d); if (o) { w = f; b.$CssDisplay(w, "block"); b.$SetStyles(w, V); B = b.$CloneNode(w, d); b.$CssPosition(w, "relative"); b.$CssOpacity(B, 0); b.$Css(B, "backgroundColor", "#000") } } else if (h == "IMG" && b.$AttributeEx(f, "u") == "image") o = f; if (o) { o.border = 0; b.$SetStyles(o, V) } } T(f, c, e + 1) }) } e.$OnInnerOffsetChange = function(c, b) { var a = u - b; bc(H, a) }; e.$Index = f;; b.$CssPerspective(k, b.$AttributeEx(k, "p")); b.$CssPerspectiveOrigin(k, b.$AttributeEx(k, "po")); var L = b.$FindChild(k, "thumb", d); if (L) { e.$Thumb = b.$CloneNode(L); b.$HideElement(L) } b.$ShowElement(k); x = b.$CloneNode(cb); b.$CssZIndex(x, 1e3); b.$AddEvent(k, "click", Z); E(d); e.$Image = o; e.$Link = B; e.$Item = k; e.$Wrapper = H = k; b.$AppendChild(H, x); h.$On(203, S); h.$On(28, db); h.$On(24, bb) } function zc(y, f, p, q) { var a = this, n = 0, u = 0, g, j, e, c, k, t, r, o = C[f];, 0, 0); function v() { b.$Empty(N); fc && k && o.$Link && b.$AppendChild(N, o.$Link); b.$ShowElement(N, !k && o.$Image) } function w() { a.$Replay() } function x(b) { r = b; a.$Stop(); a.$Replay() } a.$Replay = function() { var b = a.$GetPosition_Display(); if (!B && !O && !r && s == f) { if (!b) { if (g && !k) { k = d; a.$OpenSlideshowPanel(d); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_START, f, n, u, g, c) } v() } var l, p = i.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE; if (b != c) if (b == e) l = c; else if (b == j) l = e; else if (!b) l = j; else l = a.$GetPlayToPosition(); h.$TriggerEvent(p, f, b, n, j, e, c); var m = P && (!E || F); if (b == c)(e != c && !(E & 12) || m) && o.$GoForNextSlide(); else(m || b != e) && a.$PlayToPosition(l, w) } }; a.$AdjustIdleOnPark = function() { e == c && e == a.$GetPosition_Display() && a.$GoToPosition(j) }; a.$Abort = function() { A && A.$Index == f && A.$Clear(); var b = a.$GetPosition_Display(); b < c && h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE, f, -b - 1, n, j, e, c) }; a.$OpenSlideshowPanel = function(a) { p && b.$CssOverflow(hb, a && p.$Transition.$Outside ? "" : "hidden") }; a.$OnInnerOffsetChange = function(b, a) { if (k && a >= g) { k = l; v(); o.$UnhideContentForSlideshow(); A.$Clear(); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_END, f, n, u, g, c) } h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_PROGRESS_CHANGE, f, a, n, j, e, c) }; a.$SetPlayer = function(a) { if (a && !t) { t = a; a.$On($JssorPlayer$.$EVT_SWITCH, x) } }; p && a.$Chain(p); g = a.$GetPosition_OuterEnd(); a.$Chain(q); j = g + q.$IdleBegin; e = g + q.$IdleEnd; c = a.$GetPosition_OuterEnd() } function Mb(a, c, d) { b.$CssLeft(a, c); b.$CssTop(a, d) } function bc(c, b) { var a = x > 0 ? x : gb, d = Bb * b * (a & 1), e = Cb * b * (a >> 1 & 1); Mb(c, d, e) } function Rb() { pb = O; Kb = z.$GetPlayToPosition(); G = w.$GetPosition() } function ic() { Rb(); if (B || !F && E & 12) { z.$Stop(); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_FREEZE) } } function gc(f) { if (!B && (F || !(E & 12)) && !z.$IsPlaying()) { var d = w.$GetPosition(), b = c.ceil(G); if (f && c.abs(H) >= a.$MinDragOffsetToSlide) { b = c.ceil(d); b += eb } if (!(D & 1)) b = c.min(r - u, c.max(b, 0)); var e = c.abs(b - d); e = 1 - c.pow(1 - e, 5); if (!M && pb) z.$Continue(Kb); else if (d == b) { tb.$EnablePlayer(); tb.$TryActivate() } else z.$PlayCarousel(d, b, e * Xb) } } function Ib(a) { !b.$AttributeEx(b.$EvtSrc(a), "nodrag") && b.$CancelEvent(a) } function vc(a) { ac(a, 1) } function ac(a, c) { a = b.$GetEvent(a); var k = b.$EvtSrc(a); if (!L && !b.$AttributeEx(k, "nodrag") && wc() && (!c || a.touches.length == 1)) { B = d; Ab = l; R = j; b.$AddEvent(f, c ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", Db); b.$GetNow(); M = 0; ic(); if (!pb) x = 0; if (c) { var g = a.touches[0]; vb = g.clientX; wb = g.clientY } else { var e = b.$MousePosition(a); vb = e.x; wb = e.y } H = 0; bb = 0; eb = 0; h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_DRAG_START, t(G), G, a) } } function Db(e) { if (B) { e = b.$GetEvent(e); var f; if (e.type != "mousemove") { var l = e.touches[0]; f = { x: l.clientX, y: l.clientY } } else f = b.$MousePosition(e); if (f) { var j = f.x - vb, k = f.y - wb; if (c.floor(G) != G) x = x || gb & L; if ((j || k) && !x) { if (L == 3) if (c.abs(k) > c.abs(j)) x = 2; else x = 1; else x = L; if (jb && x == 1 && c.abs(k) - c.abs(j) > 3) Ab = d } if (x) { var a = k, i = Cb; if (x == 1) { a = j; i = Bb } if (!(D & 1)) { if (a > 0) { var g = i * s, h = a - g; if (h > 0) a = g + c.sqrt(h) * 5 } if (a < 0) { var g = i * (r - u - s), h = -a - g; if (h > 0) a = -g - c.sqrt(h) * 5 } } if (H - bb < -2) eb = 0; else if (H - bb > 2) eb = -1; bb = H; H = a; sb = G - H / i / (Z || 1); if (H && x && !Ab) { b.$CancelEvent(e); if (!O) z.$StandBy(sb); else z.$SetStandByPosition(sb) } } } } } function mb() { tc(); if (B) { B = l; b.$GetNow(); b.$RemoveEvent(f, "mousemove", Db); b.$RemoveEvent(f, "touchmove", Db); M = H; z.$Stop(); var a = w.$GetPosition(); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_DRAG_END, t(a), a, t(G), G); E & 12 && Rb(); gc(d) } } function mc(c) { if (M) { b.$StopEvent(c); var a = b.$EvtSrc(c); while (a && v !== a) { a.tagName == "A" && b.$CancelEvent(c); try { a = a.parentNode } catch (d) { break } } } } function Lb(a) { C[s]; s = t(a); tb = C[s]; Wb(a); return s } function Hc(a, b) { x = 0; Lb(a); h.$TriggerEvent(i.$EVT_PARK, t(a), b) } function Wb(a, c) { yb = a; b.$Each(S, function(b) { b.$SetCurrentIndex(t(a), a, c) }) } function wc() { var b = i.$DragRegistry || 0, a = Y; if (jb) a & 1 && (a &= 1); i.$DragRegistry |= a; return L = a & ~b } function tc() { if (L) { i.$DragRegistry &= ~Y; L = 0 } } function Zb() { var a = b.$CreateDiv(); b.$SetStyles(a, V); b.$CssPosition(a, "absolute"); return a } function t(a) { return (a % r + r) % r } function nc(b, d) { if (d) if (!D) { b = c.min(c.max(b + yb, 0), r - u); d = l } else if (D & 2) { b = t(b + yb); d = l } nb(b, a.$SlideDuration, d) } function zb() { b.$Each(S, function(a) { a.$Show(a.$Options.$ChanceToShow <= F) }) } function kc() { if (!F) { F = 1; zb(); if (!B) { E & 12 && gc(); E & 3 && C[s].$TryActivate() } } } function jc() { if (F) { F = 0; zb(); B || !(E & 12) || ic() } } function lc() { V = { $Width: K, $Height: J, $Top: 0, $Left: 0 }; b.$Each(T, function(a) { b.$SetStyles(a, V); b.$CssPosition(a, "absolute"); b.$CssOverflow(a, "hidden"); b.$HideElement(a) }); b.$SetStyles(cb, V) } function lb(b, a) { nb(b, a, d) } function nb(h, f, k) { if (Tb && (!B && (F || !(E & 12)) || a.$NaviQuitDrag)) { O = d; B = l; z.$Stop(); if (f == g) f = Xb; var e = Eb.$GetPosition_Display(), b = h; if (k) { b = e + h; if (h > 0) b = c.ceil(b); else b = c.floor(b) } if (D & 2) b = t(b); if (!(D & 1)) b = c.max(0, c.min(b, r - u)); var j = (b - e) % r; b = e + j; var i = e == b ? 0 : f * c.abs(j); i = c.min(i, f * u * 1.5); z.$PlayCarousel(e, b, i || 1) } } h.$PlayTo = nb; h.$GoTo = function(a) { w.$GoToPosition(Lb(a)) }; h.$Next = function() { lb(1) }; h.$Prev = function() { lb(-1) }; h.$Pause = function() { P = l }; h.$Play = function() { if (!P) { P = d; C[s] && C[s].$TryActivate() } }; h.$SetSlideshowTransitions = function(b) { a.$SlideshowOptions.$Transitions = b }; h.$SetCaptionTransitions = function(a) { I.$Transitions = a; I.$Version = b.$GetNow() }; h.$SlidesCount = function() { return T.length }; h.$CurrentIndex = function() { return s }; h.$IsAutoPlaying = function() { return P }; h.$IsDragging = function() { return B }; h.$IsSliding = function() { return O }; h.$IsMouseOver = function() { return !F }; h.$LastDragSucceded = function() { return M }; function X() { return b.$CssWidth(y || p) } function ib() { return b.$CssHeight(y || p) } h.$OriginalWidth = h.$GetOriginalWidth = X; h.$OriginalHeight = h.$GetOriginalHeight = ib; function Gb(c, d) { if (c == g) return b.$CssWidth(p); if (!y) { var a = b.$CreateDiv(f); b.$ClassName(a, b.$ClassName(p)); b.$CssCssText(a, b.$CssCssText(p)); b.$CssDisplay(a, "block"); b.$CssPosition(a, "relative"); b.$CssTop(a, 0); b.$CssLeft(a, 0); b.$CssOverflow(a, "visible"); y = b.$CreateDiv(f); b.$CssPosition(y, "absolute"); b.$CssTop(y, 0); b.$CssLeft(y, 0); b.$CssWidth(y, b.$CssWidth(p)); b.$CssHeight(y, b.$CssHeight(p)); b.$CssTransformOrigin(y, "0 0"); b.$AppendChild(y, a); var i = b.$Children(p); b.$AppendChild(p, y); b.$Css(p, "backgroundImage", ""); b.$Each(i, function(c) { b.$AppendChild(b.$AttributeEx(c, "noscale") ? p : a, c); b.$AttributeEx(c, "autocenter") && Nb.push(c) }) } Z = c / (d ? b.$CssHeight : b.$CssWidth)(y); b.$CssScale(y, Z); var h = d ? Z * X() : c, e = d ? c : Z * ib(); b.$CssWidth(p, h); b.$CssHeight(p, e); b.$Each(Nb, function(a) { var c = b.$ParseInt(b.$AttributeEx(a, "autocenter")); b.$CenterElement(a, c) }) } h.$ScaleHeight = h.$GetScaleHeight = function(a) { if (a == g) return b.$CssHeight(p); Gb(a, d) }; h.$ScaleWidth = h.$SetScaleWidth = h.$GetScaleWidth = Gb; h.$GetVirtualIndex = function(a) { var d = c.ceil(t(fb / dc)), b = t(a - s + d); if (b > u) { if (a - s > r / 2) a -= r; else if (a - s <= -r / 2) a += r } else a = s + b - d; return a };; h.$Elmt = p = b.$GetElement(p); var a = b.$Extend({ $FillMode: 0, $LazyLoading: 1, $ArrowKeyNavigation: 1, $StartIndex: 0, $AutoPlay: l, $Loop: 1, $HWA: d, $NaviQuitDrag: d, $AutoPlaySteps: 1, $AutoPlayInterval: 3e3, $PauseOnHover: 1, $SlideDuration: 500, $SlideEasing: e.$EaseOutQuad, $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 20, $SlideSpacing: 0, $Cols: 1, $Align: 0, $UISearchMode: 1, $PlayOrientation: 1, $DragOrientation: 1 }, hc); a.$HWA = a.$HWA && b.$IsBrowser3dSafe(); if (a.$Idle != g) a.$AutoPlayInterval = a.$Idle; if (a.$ParkingPosition != g) a.$Align = a.$ParkingPosition; var gb = a.$PlayOrientation & 3, xc = (a.$PlayOrientation & 4) / -4 || 1, db = a.$SlideshowOptions, I = b.$Extend({ $Class: q, $PlayInMode: 1, $PlayOutMode: 1, $HWA: a.$HWA }, a.$CaptionSliderOptions); I.$Transitions = I.$Transitions || I.$CaptionTransitions; var qb = a.$BulletNavigatorOptions, W = a.$ArrowNavigatorOptions, ab = a.$ThumbnailNavigatorOptions, Q = !a.$UISearchMode, y, v = b.$FindChild(p, "slides", Q), cb = b.$FindChild(p, "loading", Q) || b.$CreateDiv(f), Jb = b.$FindChild(p, "navigator", Q), ec = b.$FindChild(p, "arrowleft", Q), cc = b.$FindChild(p, "arrowright", Q), Hb = b.$FindChild(p, "thumbnavigator", Q), pc = b.$CssWidth(v), oc = b.$CssHeight(v), V, T = [], yc = b.$Children(v); b.$Each(yc, function(a) { if (a.tagName == "DIV" && !b.$AttributeEx(a, "u")) T.push(a); else b.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() && b.$CssZIndex(a, (b.$CssZIndex(a) || 0) + 1) }); var s = -1, yb, tb, r = T.length, K = a.$SlideWidth || pc, J = a.$SlideHeight || oc, Yb = a.$SlideSpacing, Bb = K + Yb, Cb = J + Yb, dc = gb & 1 ? Bb : Cb, u = c.min(a.$Cols, r), hb, x, L, Ab, S = [], Sb, Ub, Qb, fc, Gc, P, E = a.$PauseOnHover, qc = a.$AutoPlayInterval, Xb = a.$SlideDuration, rb, ub, fb, Tb = u < r, D = Tb ? a.$Loop : 0, Y, M, F = 1, O, B, R, vb = 0, wb = 0, H, bb, eb, Eb, w, U, z, Vb = new sc, Z, Nb = []; if (a.$HWA) Mb = function(a, c, d) { b.$SetStyleTransform(a, { $TranslateX: c, $TranslateY: d }) }; P = a.$AutoPlay; h.$Options = hc; lc(); b.$Attribute(p, "jssor-slider", d); b.$CssZIndex(v, b.$CssZIndex(v) || 0); b.$CssPosition(v, "absolute"); hb = b.$CloneNode(v, d); b.$InsertBefore(hb, v); if (db) { fc = db.$ShowLink; rb = db.$Class; ub = u == 1 && r > 1 && rb && (!b.$IsBrowserIE() || b.$BrowserVersion() >= 8) } fb = ub || u >= r || !(D & 1) ? 0 : a.$Align; Y = (u > 1 || fb ? gb : -1) & a.$DragOrientation; var xb = v, C = [], A, N, Fb = b.$Device(), jb = Fb.$Touchable, G, pb, Kb, sb; Fb.$TouchActionAttr && b.$Css(xb, Fb.$TouchActionAttr, ([j, "pan-y", "pan-x", "none"])[Y] || ""); U = new Dc; if (ub) A = new rb(Vb, K, J, db, jb); b.$AppendChild(hb, U.$Wrapper); b.$CssOverflow(v, "hidden"); N = Zb(); b.$Css(N, "backgroundColor", "#000"); b.$CssOpacity(N, 0); b.$InsertBefore(N, xb.firstChild, xb); for (var ob = 0; ob < T.length; ob++) { var Ac = T[ob], Cc = new Bc(Ac, ob); C.push(Cc) } b.$HideElement(cb); Eb = new Ec; z = new rc(Eb, U); if (Y) { b.$AddEvent(v, "mousedown", ac); b.$AddEvent(v, "touchstart", vc); b.$AddEvent(v, "dragstart", Ib); b.$AddEvent(v, "selectstart", Ib); b.$AddEvent(f, "mouseup", mb); b.$AddEvent(f, "touchend", mb); b.$AddEvent(f, "touchcancel", mb); b.$AddEvent(k, "blur", mb) } E &= jb ? 10 : 5; if (Jb && qb) { Sb = new qb.$Class(Jb, qb, X(), ib()); S.push(Sb) } if (W && ec && cc) { W.$Loop = D; W.$Cols = u; Ub = new W.$Class(ec, cc, W, X(), ib()); S.push(Ub) } if (Hb && ab) { ab.$StartIndex = a.$StartIndex; Qb = new ab.$Class(Hb, ab); S.push(Qb) } b.$Each(S, function(a) { a.$Reset(r, C, cb); a.$On(o.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, nc) }); b.$Css(p, "visibility", "visible"); Gb(X()); b.$AddEvent(v, "click", mc); b.$AddEvent(p, "mouseout", b.$MouseOverOutFilter(kc, p)); b.$AddEvent(p, "mouseover", b.$MouseOverOutFilter(jc, p)); zb(); a.$ArrowKeyNavigation && b.$AddEvent(f, "keydown", function(b) { if (b.keyCode == 37) lb(-a.$ArrowKeyNavigation); else b.keyCode == 39 && lb(a.$ArrowKeyNavigation) }); var kb = a.$StartIndex; if (!(D & 1)) kb = c.max(0, c.min(kb, r - u)); z.$PlayCarousel(kb, kb, 0) }; i.$EVT_CLICK = 21; i.$EVT_DRAG_START = 22; i.$EVT_DRAG_END = 23; i.$EVT_SWIPE_START = 24; i.$EVT_SWIPE_END = 25; i.$EVT_LOAD_START = 26; i.$EVT_LOAD_END = 27; i.$EVT_FREEZE = 28; i.$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE = 202; i.$EVT_PARK = 203; i.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_START = 206; i.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_END = 207; i.$EVT_PROGRESS_CHANGE = 208; i.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE = 209; var o = { $NAVIGATIONREQUEST: 1, $INDEXCHANGE: 2, $RESET: 3 }; k.$JssorBulletNavigator$ = function(e, C) { var f = this;; e = b.$GetElement(e); var s, A, z, r, k = 0, a, m, i, w, x, h, g, q, p, B = [], y = []; function v(a) { a != -1 && y[a].$Selected(a == k) } function t(a) { f.$TriggerEvent(o.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, a * m) } f.$Elmt = e; f.$GetCurrentIndex = function() { return r }; f.$SetCurrentIndex = function(a) { if (a != r) { var d = k, b = c.floor(a / m); k = b; r = a; v(d); v(b) } }; f.$Show = function(a) { b.$ShowElement(e, a) }; var u; f.$Reset = function(E) { if (!u) { s = c.ceil(E / m); k = 0; var o = q + w, r = p + x, n = c.ceil(s / i) - 1; A = q + o * (!h ? n : i - 1); z = p + r * (h ? n : i - 1); b.$CssWidth(e, A); b.$CssHeight(e, z); for (var f = 0; f < s; f++) { var C = b.$CreateSpan(); b.$InnerText(C, f + 1); var l = b.$BuildElement(g, "numbertemplate", C, d); b.$CssPosition(l, "absolute"); var v = f % (n + 1); b.$CssLeft(l, !h ? o * v : f % i * o); b.$CssTop(l, h ? r * v : c.floor(f / (n + 1)) * r); b.$AppendChild(e, l); B[f] = l; a.$ActionMode & 1 && b.$AddEvent(l, "click", b.$CreateCallback(j, t, f)); a.$ActionMode & 2 && b.$AddEvent(l, "mouseover", b.$MouseOverOutFilter(b.$CreateCallback(j, t, f), l)); y[f] = b.$Buttonize(l) } u = d } }; f.$Options = a = b.$Extend({ $SpacingX: 10, $SpacingY: 10, $Orientation: 1, $ActionMode: 1 }, C); g = b.$FindChild(e, "prototype"); q = b.$CssWidth(g); p = b.$CssHeight(g); b.$RemoveElement(g, e); m = a.$Steps || 1; i = a.$Rows || 1; w = a.$SpacingX; x = a.$SpacingY; h = a.$Orientation - 1; a.$Scale == l && b.$Attribute(e, "noscale", d); a.$AutoCenter && b.$Attribute(e, "autocenter", a.$AutoCenter) }; k.$JssorArrowNavigator$ = function(a, g, h) { var c = this;; var r, q, e, f, i; b.$CssWidth(a); b.$CssHeight(a); function k(a) { c.$TriggerEvent(o.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, a, d) } function p(c) { b.$ShowElement(a, c || !h.$Loop && e == 0); b.$ShowElement(g, c || !h.$Loop && e >= q - h.$Cols); r = c } c.$GetCurrentIndex = function() { return e }; c.$SetCurrentIndex = function(b, a, c) { if (c) e = a; else { e = b; p(r) } }; c.$Show = p; var m; c.$Reset = function(c) { q = c; e = 0; if (!m) { b.$AddEvent(a, "click", b.$CreateCallback(j, k, -i)); b.$AddEvent(g, "click", b.$CreateCallback(j, k, i)); b.$Buttonize(a); b.$Buttonize(g); m = d } }; c.$Options = f = b.$Extend({ $Steps: 1 }, h); i = f.$Steps; if (f.$Scale == l) { b.$Attribute(a, "noscale", d); b.$Attribute(g, "noscale", d) } if (f.$AutoCenter) { b.$Attribute(a, "autocenter", f.$AutoCenter); b.$Attribute(g, "autocenter", f.$AutoCenter) } }; k.$JssorThumbnailNavigator$ = function(g, B) { var h = this, y, p, a, v = [], z, x, e, q, r, u, t, m, s, f, k;; g = b.$GetElement(g); function A(n, f) { var g = this, c, m, l; function q() { m.$Selected(p == f) } function i(d) { if (d || !s.$LastDragSucceded()) { var a = e - f % e, b = s.$GetVirtualIndex((f + a) / e - 1), c = b * e + e - a; h.$TriggerEvent(o.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, c) } } g.$Index = f; g.$Highlight = q; l = n.$Thumb || n.$Image || b.$CreateDiv(); g.$Wrapper = c = b.$BuildElement(k, "thumbnailtemplate", l, d); m = b.$Buttonize(c); a.$ActionMode & 1 && b.$AddEvent(c, "click", b.$CreateCallback(j, i, 0)); a.$ActionMode & 2 && b.$AddEvent(c, "mouseover", b.$MouseOverOutFilter(b.$CreateCallback(j, i, 1), c)) } h.$GetCurrentIndex = function() { return p }; h.$SetCurrentIndex = function(b, d, f) { var a = p; p = b; a != -1 && v[a].$Highlight(); v[b].$Highlight(); !f && s.$PlayTo(s.$GetVirtualIndex(c.floor(d / e))) }; h.$Show = function(a) { b.$ShowElement(g, a) }; var w; h.$Reset = function(F, D) { if (!w) { y = F; c.ceil(y / e); p = -1; m = c.min(m, D.length); var h = a.$Orientation & 1, n = u + (u + q) * (e - 1) * (1 - h), k = t + (t + r) * (e - 1) * h, B = n + (n + q) * (m - 1) * h, o = k + (k + r) * (m - 1) * (1 - h); b.$CssPosition(f, "absolute"); b.$CssOverflow(f, "hidden"); a.$AutoCenter & 1 && b.$CssLeft(f, (z - B) / 2); a.$AutoCenter & 2 && b.$CssTop(f, (x - o) / 2); b.$CssWidth(f, B); b.$CssHeight(f, o); var j = []; b.$Each(D, function(l, g) { var i = new A(l, g), d = i.$Wrapper, a = c.floor(g / e), k = g % e; b.$CssLeft(d, (u + q) * k * (1 - h)); b.$CssTop(d, (t + r) * k * h); if (!j[a]) { j[a] = b.$CreateDiv(); b.$AppendChild(f, j[a]) } b.$AppendChild(j[a], d); v.push(i) }); var E = b.$Extend({ $AutoPlay: l, $NaviQuitDrag: l, $SlideWidth: n, $SlideHeight: k, $SlideSpacing: q * h + r * (1 - h), $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 12, $SlideDuration: 200, $PauseOnHover: 1, $PlayOrientation: a.$Orientation, $DragOrientation: a.$NoDrag || a.$DisableDrag ? 0 : a.$Orientation }, a); s = new i(g, E); w = d } }; h.$Options = a = b.$Extend({ $SpacingX: 0, $SpacingY: 0, $Cols: 1, $Orientation: 1, $AutoCenter: 3, $ActionMode: 1 }, B); z = b.$CssWidth(g); x = b.$CssHeight(g); f = b.$FindChild(g, "slides", d); k = b.$FindChild(f, "prototype"); u = b.$CssWidth(k); t = b.$CssHeight(k); b.$RemoveElement(k, f); e = a.$Rows || 1; q = a.$SpacingX; r = a.$SpacingY; m = a.$Cols; a.$Scale == l && b.$Attribute(g, "noscale", d) }; function q(e, d, c) { var a = this;, 0, c); a.$Revert = b.$EmptyFunction; a.$IdleBegin = 0; a.$IdleEnd = c } k.$JssorCaptionSlideo$ = function(n, f, l) { var a = this, o, g = {}, i = f.$Transitions, c = new m(0, 0);, 0, 0); function j(d, c) { var a = {}; b.$Each(d, function(d, f) { var e = g[f]; if (e) { if (b.$IsPlainObject(d)) d = j(d, c || f == "e"); else if (c) if (b.$IsNumeric(d)) d = o[d]; a[e] = d } }); return a } function k(e, c) { var a = [], d = b.$Children(e); b.$Each(d, function(d) { var h = b.$AttributeEx(d, "u") == "caption"; if (h) { var e = b.$AttributeEx(d, "t"), g = i[b.$ParseInt(e)] || i[e], f = { $Elmt: d, $Transition: g }; a.push(f) } if (c < 5) a = a.concat(k(d, c + 1)) }); return a } function r(d, e, a) { b.$Each(e, function(g) { var e = j(g), f = b.$FormatEasings(e.$Easing); if (e.$Left) { e.$MoveX = e.$Left; f.$MoveX = f.$Left; delete e.$Left } if (e.$Top) { e.$MoveY = e.$Top; f.$MoveY = f.$Top; delete e.$Top } var h = { $Easing: f, $OriginalWidth: a.$Width, $OriginalHeight: a.$Height }, i = new m(g.b, g.d, h, d, a, e); c.$Combine(i); a = b.$AddDif(a, e) }); return a } function q(a) { b.$Each(a, function(f) { var a = f.$Elmt, e = b.$CssWidth(a), d = b.$CssHeight(a), c = { $Left: b.$CssLeft(a), $Top: b.$CssTop(a), $MoveX: 0, $MoveY: 0, $Opacity: 1, $ZIndex: b.$CssZIndex(a) || 0, $Rotate: 0, $RotateX: 0, $RotateY: 0, $ScaleX: 1, $ScaleY: 1, $TranslateX: 0, $TranslateY: 0, $TranslateZ: 0, $SkewX: 0, $SkewY: 0, $Width: e, $Height: d, $Clip: { $Top: 0, $Right: e, $Bottom: d, $Left: 0 } }; c.$OriginalX = c.$Left; c.$OriginalY = c.$Top; r(a, f.$Transition, c) }) } function t(g, f, h) { var e = g.b - f; if (e) { var b = new m(f, e); b.$Combine(c, d); b.$Shift(h); a.$Combine(b) } a.$Expand(g.d); return e } function s(f) { var d = c.$GetPosition_OuterBegin(), e = 0; b.$Each(f, function(c, f) { c = b.$Extend({ d: l }, c); t(c, d, e); d = c.b; e += c.d; if (!f || c.t == 2) { a.$IdleBegin = d; a.$IdleEnd = d + c.d } }) } a.$Revert = function() { a.$GoToPosition(-1, d) }; o = [h.$Swing, h.$Linear, h.$InQuad, h.$OutQuad, h.$InOutQuad, h.$InCubic, h.$OutCubic, h.$InOutCubic, h.$InQuart, h.$OutQuart, h.$InOutQuart, h.$InQuint, h.$OutQuint, h.$InOutQuint, h.$InSine, h.$OutSine, h.$InOutSine, h.$InExpo, h.$OutExpo, h.$InOutExpo, h.$InCirc, h.$OutCirc, h.$InOutCirc, h.$InElastic, h.$OutElastic, h.$InOutElastic, h.$InBack, h.$OutBack, h.$InOutBack, h.$InBounce, h.$OutBounce, h.$InOutBounce, h.$GoBack, h.$InWave, h.$OutWave, h.$OutJump, h.$InJump]; var u = { $Top: "y", $Left: "x", $Bottom: "m", $Right: "t", $Rotate: "r", $RotateX: "rX", $RotateY: "rY", $ScaleX: "sX", $ScaleY: "sY", $TranslateX: "tX", $TranslateY: "tY", $TranslateZ: "tZ", $SkewX: "kX", $SkewY: "kY", $Opacity: "o", $Easing: "e", $ZIndex: "i", $Clip: "c" }; b.$Each(u, function(b, a) { g[b] = a }); q(k(n, 1)); c.$GoToPosition(-1); var p = f.$Breaks || [], e = [].concat(p[b.$ParseInt(b.$AttributeEx(n, "b"))] || []); e.push({ b: c.$GetPosition_OuterEnd(), d: e.length ? 0 : l }); s(e); a.$GoToPosition(-1) } })(window, document, Math, null, true, false) } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 02:09:56 May 16, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 00:41:30 Nov 15, 2022. 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